About the Authors



As a long-time writer, getting my Master's Degree in Writing seemed like a natural choice - and then the bottom dropped out of the economy, and I learned that having an intimate knowledge of and deep passion for your field by no means guarantess you a job in that field. Ooops. Should have gotten my degree in Financial Analysis, apparently...


Nevertheless, I love writing and continue to devote as much time as I can to it, and I've even picked up a smattering of artistic ability as a complement. When I'm not writing, I like going out with my husband for a big plate of sushi, or playing with our three cats.




What can I say without sounding cheesy?  Drawing has always been a passion, and with the drawing inevitably came the stories.  My ideal job would have been as an Illustrator, or failing that, an employee in Jim Henson's Monster Workshop (ah the dreams!).  I graduated in Graphic Design though and suddenly realised it wasn't actually the field I wanted.  But thus is life!


The proud owner of one brat rabbit, I would say he inspires me...but that would be a lie!