New Post - AdurArshaam

09/04/2012 12:48


Within Iysärav all is how it should be.  The Wheel continues to turn and the Rituals continue.  But beneath the Holy City, a labyrinth of secrets spreads its dark tunnels, housing more than just ancient winds and darkness.  It is here, beneath the earth and away from the light, that AdurArshaam, most Blessed of the Crimson, houses his most precious of pets.


"I knew where it lay, my Creature, bound to this spot deep within the earth, chained by my word.  It was the core of the devouring dark, but its hunger could not harm me, I was its captor, I was he who had tethered it to this prison!  The chains hissed before my eyes, their light a part of my very being and they too could not be devoured though the abomination tried endlessly to do so.  Pathetic malformed creature that it was!  It gave me greater pleasure than Zamaan to see it curled up in such a weak manner, burdened by the heaviness of the restrains I had bound it with.  It gazed at me through the seething corruption of its body, its eyes pouring out the deepest of sorrows and pain.  It gave me great satisfaction to see it thus, held within my grasp like a moth."


Find out more in "Chapter 10 - Labyrinth."