New Post - Dhavalos

09/19/2011 22:23

A new post and my first here, the introduction of the young Dhavalos:


"I glanced out the window. In the yard, a ground-tied donkey chewed peacefully on the early autumn grass. Beside it, I could just see the corner of a cart covered in an oilcloth tarp. Earlier that afternoon a man had come up to the farm in a small two-wheeled cart. He wore the undyed hooded robe and knotted rope belt of an Ankorite, one of the strange monks who lived at the Parzin Monastery to the north. The Monastery was at least two days travel by horseback and longer by foot, so the Ankorites were an uncommon sight. I had seen them twice before in the village, going about with wide hoods throwing their faces into pools of shadow, but until today none had ever visited our farm... In truth, I knew nothing of these Ankorites, except that my father reviled them. My father was a man of few words and fewer expressions, so I knew they must be something dangerous for him to hate them so, something vile and dark. And now, without warning, one was here."


Dhavalos is young but not unwise, and though he is weak in body, he is strong in will. Which is a good thing - soon enough, his will is to be tested to the utmost.

To read the full section, go to the Chapter 1 - Little Goose page. Meanwhile, keep checking in for updates and more of the book, and happy reading!