New post - Dustande

09/30/2011 14:38

The next instalment in the life of Dustande


    "My heart was filled with trepidation, my mind awash with uncertainty. From the day of my rebirth I had not looked back at the past, never once letting my mind retrace its winding path from one event to that which had led it there.  All that was, and all that had ever been, were fragments of someone else’s existence, some other soul which had died long ago.

    Now, as I walked the long linear corridor banded by shadow and light, my footsteps softened and bare against the warm sandstone —moving steadily towards the doorway to my true Being— my mind retraced its path to the events that had brought me here."


Dustande, one of the newest Reborn to enter Iysärav takes his first steps into the new world he finds himself in.  A life od discipline and strict regime awaits him within the Daeums of the Holy City within Särav and within those cool shadows, the Blessed Circle are the only ones who may Call him into Being to take his place amongst the Ardazem.

To read the full section, go to the Chapter 1 - The Calling page. Meanwhile, keep checking in for updates and more of the book, and happy reading!