Kadeshan - The most holy place in an Ankorite monastery. This small windowless chamber is made of simple brick and mud-mortar, and its only feature is the pit containing the Sacred Fire. Ankorite monks go to this room to make prayers of great personal importance, and to make their daily devotions.

Kalasian Mountains - A mountain range marking the northern fringe of Quarai, and the boundary between the civilized lands and the barabarian territories beyond.

Khusbul - A type of minty aromatic herb known for its strong overpowering taste and the ability to clear the sinuses and overpowering all other smells.  Tanners will often chew Khusbul when at work, and those of noble blood will often chew the herb when passing through unsavory neighbourhoods.  It is useless in cooking however thanks to its strong taste and aroma.

Klesia - A small chamber for prayer within the Ekklesia of the Circle.  Usually highly decorated with scenes from the Book of blood and revelations from the Holy Words of Light with a single alter for prayer at the centre.  Unlike the Kadeshan of the Brethren, there is no Holy Fire within the Klesia. Prayers are directed instead to a statue of Nuryana

Kundjinn - small spirits and ethereal creatures that dewll everywhere.  These entities have no known purpose and do not have any effect upon the lives of the more solid creatures sharing the same world.  Invisible to the naked eye, most cannot see them but know of their existance as sometimes their agitation can be felt or even seen by animals or small children.  Special priests may sometimes see the Kundjinn.  They are consideed Unclean beings along with others of their kind.



Lower World - The supernatural home of evil beings such as Darakos and other demons; believed to be where all Unclean creatures originated. Akin to Hell.





Nuryana -  "Our Light", the honourific name given to the God Queen.  In this case it would be akin to the term "God" used to speak of a higher being.